Where in the world are we in the ADOPTION process?

First of all, we can’t begin to describe the level of support and encouragement that we have gotten from our friends and family since we made our announcement that we're adopting. After making the announcement, it was hard to respond to anything on social media because it was really humbling to see everyone's support. I was able to sit back and take in all of the comments, “likes”, and donations that seemed to already come rolling in! I thought I could take a day, thinking that I could gather all my thoughts and feelings around what just happened, but I still can’t explain it. The only thing I know is that God continues to prove His faithfulness to us and remind Leigh and me that His grace never runs out.

So here we are.  It may not have been clear from the original post, but we have been accepted to the Uganda program as of last Saturday, November 14th.  We have begun the WiLd and cRaZy paperwork process. Our first step (within the paperwork process) is preparing for our home study, which can usually take a couple of months, and next comes the dossier (dose-E-A <--Maybe that helps). The dossier is essentially the paperwork requirements from the international country.  However, the good news is that a lot of these steps can be going on simultaneously, which is great! 

All in, we think the timeline can be anywhere from 10-18 months between now and when we will have our child. That is what we are praying for, and we’re going to be feverishly working through paperwork. Please join us in praying for this process to go smoothly and quickly, and for our hearts to grow in love for our child along the way.