Through God’s grace and understanding that we were first adopted into God's family,

Leigh and I have been called to care for the orphan through adoption. As many of you already know, adoption is hard work and involves a long process. Whether it’s through prayers, helping plan events, attending our events, making a pledge or donation, purchasing a T-shirt and other items in our store or maybe all of the above [ :-) ], we would LOVE to invite you to join us in caring for the orphan through our adoption journey.

Our prayer is that God will provide all of the above. We have set up the "Donate" button in a way that allows monthly recurring gifts. This allows you to set up smaller monthly auto draft amounts over a period of time or a one-time donation. We realize that not everyone can give though, and that's ok. Maybe you're caring for the orphan through a different venue and that's GREAT! We see donations as a tangible way that you can help an orphan gain parents, so we want to open up to our friends, family and maybe even those who don't know us, but don't have any other way to care for the orphan.

In total, we have a goal to raise between $25,000 and $35,000 (based on estimated costs) and LOTS of frequent flyer miles to get us to our child's birth country, Uganda. The adoption costs can be daunting, intimidating and downright terrifying. Whenever I am discouraged by the insurmountable costs of earthly adoption, I’m constantly reminded by God of what it cost Him to adopt me into His family.  Then, by His GLORIOUS grace, I’m able to press on through the journey with hope. 

Lastly, we could not enter into this process without you, and we're humbled and forever grateful for your continued support!

-Love Matt and Leigh


**Unfortunately we're not a sponsored charitable organization, therefore any donations made cannot be deducted for tax purposes.  If you're looking for a place to make your tax deductible donations, I have some pretty awesome ones for you to support! Just send me an email for a list.