Welcome to our Blog

We can hardly believe this day has finally come. It kind of feels surreal to us. Over the last four years, Leigh and I could only dream and imagine of what this day would be like and feel like. The day that we could finally tell the world that our family will be expanding by 2 feet!  Forty-eight months ago (November 2011), Leigh and I began our journey to expand our family.  Forty-eight months of prayer. Forty-eight months of what felt like an emotional roller coaster that reached the highest highs and the lowest lows. However, forty-eight months is why we can celebrate our God, who is good, who is faithful and whom we learned that we can always trust through any and every situation.

Over the last 5 months, God has so graciously provided for us in ways that we can’t understand, and has forever proven His GLORIOUS GRACE to us. Numerous people have provided in ways we are eternally grateful…the creation of this website (which is much harder than I ever thought or imagined), the pictures within this website, the T-shirt design, the Africa cutout in our pictures, numerous people donating time and energy into coffee dates to help us understand the adoption process, family members who have graciously supported us ever since we have told them and the orphan care ministry at our church that helped us realize that God calls all Christians to care for the orphan.

Lastly, we thank all of the families that have gone before us in their adoption process.  Although you may not even know us, we see you.  We see your families and we see God’s grace through your love for each other. We see that all of your children are "your own", even though some have been through birth and some have been through adoption. We see that you realize that you were first adopted into God's family, and He sees you as "his own." You have blessed us and we love you. We pray that we can be the same to families that come after us as we all care for the orphan!